Sunday, June 1, 2008

Santa Catalina Mountains and Visit with the Lakes

Saturday, no plans for the morning hours so decided to drive to Mt. Lemon Ski Area, north east of Tucson. Just driving through northern Tucson to get to the road to Mt. Lemon was a treat. Tucson's roads are really well done with all of the medians planted with indigenous vegetation. Lots of different types of cacti and other bushes and shrubs that we don't know what they are but obviously are desert plants that make do with whatever little water they get from rainfall. Almost everyone's yards are the same way – landscaped with drought resistant plants (xeriscaping). We have been impressed that we have only seen lawn grass in one yard. Not only does this help the environment but it gives people more free time since they don't have to water/fertilize/cut grass. More of us should follow the lead of the good people of Tucson.

The drive through the Santa Catalina Mountains to the Mt. Lemon ski area (yes they get snow here in the mountains) was pretty spectacular. We started out at about 2,500' in altitude. We were in the desert and seeing quite a few Saguaro Cactus. As we climbed in altitude, the Saguaros became more numerous for awhile. Then we rose above the cactus line and into a pine forest with lots of ponderosa pine and other evergreen type trees. Eventually we were over 8,000'. Unfortunately, when taking pictures of distant vistas, they just don't turn out well – too hazy. You will just have to take my word for it that the views from the mountains back to Tucson were very nice.

Saturday afternoon and evening were spent with Bill and Sandi Lake and their dachshund Rosey, in their beautiful home in Tucson.
Great views, great food, and even better friends – what more can you ask for? You can ask for pictures you say? Well, just keep on asking because somehow Shelley managed to take not even one picture. Thanks for the hospitality Bill and Sandi. Happy 51st Anniversary. Send us some pix will ya?

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