There are still many FEMA trailers in use in people's yards and some houses have been condemned and others abandoned. But the lack of visible damage was amazing. Every street that we drove on had construction crews at work repairing homes and numerous homes had obviously been repaired. We came to the conclusion that because the damage was caused by flood waters not wind that the damage to most homes was on the inside and therefore not visible.

The 17th Street Canal area was flooded when Lake Ponchartrain broke through a levee. Some of this area was under as much as 18 feet of water. This is where we saw the most damage. It is an area of very nice homes and where the most abandoned homes seemed to be. Again, construction going on everywhere you looked.

More pictures of our time on the road can be found at:
That's enough of this blog stuff for now.
Time to go get a Po' Boy or Muffeletta sandwich. We gotta get out of here!!!!!
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